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Hello and welcome to Traveling Exhibits Inspiration Ave. My name is Lisa and I'm the Exhibits Coordinator for Teacher's Discovery. It is truly an honor and a privilege to work with teachers and librarians throughout the United States in giving the gift of awe, inspiration and a museum experience to their students and patrons. Working with you has been so rewarding for me and I am moved and inspired daily with the heartfelt experiences that have been shared with me from so many who have hosted a Traveling Exhibit(s). When an educator is inspired it's contagious and therefore their students are inspired too. I will do my best always, to assist you in giving the best exhibition that will enrich the lives of all who are witness to our Spectacular Exhibits. With this blog I will share pictures,comments, ideas and activities that have been shared with me and use it as a tool for you to inspire your peers.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Teacher's Choice Award Winning Vincent van Gogh Traveling Exhibit Visits Kaukauna, WI and Leaves a Post - Impression

As you know I love to use this blog as a venue for you to inspire your peers. So, with that being said, here's Elementary Art Teacher Vicky Siegel .... Hi Lisa- The week with the
van Gogh Traveling Exhibit was a big hit! Only 2 more classes to go and I change my room back to normal! Each class saw the exhibit during their art time, and then there was a parent night on Thurs. It was a big success! I had the students complete a "scavenger hunt" after I talked a little about the exhibit. I added to the show by having 6 large stand up bulletin boards around the room with the info. you sent along with a ton I had found. Students were so insightful! We talked about how van Gogh lost 10 teeth due to his buying paint and not food and not being healthy, and also about how he never smiled in his self-portraits. One first grader added, 'That's probably why he never smiled! Because he was missing his teeth!" All the students were surprised that the "Red Vineyard at Arles" was his only painting that he had sold. Now next week, all students will start a van Gogh project. First graders are painting sunflowers, second graders are creating a "mini-masterpiece" ( a small drawing of a van Gogh painting on a popsicle stick easel), third graders are making a clay "Starry Night", and 4th graders are making a new bedroom with the bed being a yarn weaving! All the students signed their name to a large birthday card, since van Gogh's birthday is on March 30th.
The Mike Venezia "van Gogh" book was a perfect fit to read to all of the classes, too. Thanks for this opportunity. I can't wait to schedule a new exhibit for next school year!! Sincerely. Vicky Siegel.

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